Profile Setup
Setting Up Your Data Provider Profile on Opendatabay
Last updated
Setting Up Your Data Provider Profile on Opendatabay
Last updated
To get started with your data provider profile on Opendatabay, follow these steps to ensure a complete and attractive profile setup.
1. Basic Information
Provider Name: Enter the name of your organization (Company Name) or data provider name. (Max 20 Characters)
Description: Provide a comprehensive description of your organization (About), the type of data you offer, and any relevant background information. You can enhance your description using Markdown (.MD) language, which allows for better formatting and more options. For example, you can include:
Headings: Use #
for headings.
Bold and Italics: Use **bold**
or _italic_
for emphasis.
Lists: Create bullet points with -
or *
Links: Add hyperlinks using [text](url)
2. Visuals
Logo: Upload your logo. Ensure it is in PNG, JPEG or WEBP format with dimensions of 800x800 pixels.
Banner: Upload a banner image that represents your brand. Ensure it is in PNG, JPEG or WEBP. The recommended size for the banner is 2560x800 pixels.
3. Location and Contact Details
Location: Specify the geographic location of your organization. Town and Country
Contact Information: Provide contact details for assistance, licensing inquiries, and dataset requests.
Email address
Social Media. (LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook, GitHub)
4. Profile Details
Join Date: Automatically set when you create your profile.
Statistics: Automatically keeps track of key statistics such as:
Number of Data Collections
Total Downloads
Sales This Month