Collection Setup

Setting Up Your Collection on Opendatabay

To effectively set up your data collection page on Opendatabay, ensure all required fields are completed. Here’s a guide to help you through the process:

Required Fields

  1. Name

    • Field: Collection Name (Example: My Collection Name)

  2. Collection Category

    • Field: Select the most appropriate category for your collection from the following list:

          "Aerospace & Aviation",
          "Agriculture & Farming",
          "Animal Behavior & Conservation",
          "Art & Digital Creations",
          "Automotive & Traffic Patterns",
          "Biodiversity & Conservation",
          "Consumer Electronics Usage",
          "Cultural & Historical Records",
          "E-commerce & Online Transactions",
          "Entertainment & Media Consumption",
          "Environmental Monitoring",
          "Fashion & Apparel Trends",
          "Food & Beverage Consumption",
          "Government & Civic Records",
          "Hospitality & Tourism",
          "Human Resources & Employment Data",
          "Legal & Legislation Data",
          "Local & Global Weather Patterns",
          "Logistics & Fulfillment Data",
          "Marine & Aquatic Data",
          "Natural Resources & Mining",
          "Non-Profit & Philanthropy Activities",
          "Public Health & Epidemiology",
          "Public Safety & Security",
          "Renewable Energy Sources",
          "Retail & Consumer Behavior",
          "Space & Astronomy",
          "Sports & Recreation",
          "Telecommunications & Network Data",
          "Urban Planning & Infrastructure",
          "Software and Technology",
          "Mobile Applications, Games, and Usage",
          "Social Media and Networking",
          "Data Science and Analytics",
          "Machine Learning and AI",
          "Website Analytics & User Experience",
          "Synthetic Data Generation",
          "Reviews & Ratings",
  3. Related Searches

    • Field: Search Tags (Example: Tourism, Healthcare, Records, Non-PII, Public, Statistic, Report)

  4. Collection Promo Image

    • Field: Upload a promotional image for your collection.

    • Format: PNG, JPEG, WEBP

    • Dimensions: 600x400 pixels

  1. Description

About: Provide a detailed description of your data collection.

  • Guidance: The description can be written in Markdown language (.MD) for better formatting and more options.

    • Example:

      # My Collection Name
      This dataset includes comprehensive data on global tourism trends. It covers the following aspects:
      - **Data Points**: Visitor numbers, spending patterns, popular destinations, seasonal variations
      - **Features**: High-resolution data, updated quarterly, demographic breakdowns, geospatial data
      - **Usage**: Market analysis, trend forecasting, business strategy development, academic research
      - **Coverage**: Global, with a specific focus on top 20 tourist destinations
      - **License**: Open Data License, allowing free use, redistribution, and modification with attribution
  1. Dataset Information

    • License: Specify the dataset's license (e.g., CC BY-SA 4.0) See Licenses for more information

    • Region: Specify the dataset's region (e.g., Global, Europe, North America)

    • Dataset Type: Specify the dataset's type (e.g., Textual, Images, Videos)

    • Version: Automatically assigned with each update

      Additional Information

      • Format: CSV, JSON, ODBc, PDF, XLS, RDS, ODS

      • Records: Number of records, Lines (e.g., 27 million)

      • Lines: [If applicable, specify any additional details about the dataset's structure or size]

      • Updated: Date of last update ( e.g., dd/mm/yyyy)

      • Purchase type: Type of purchase ( eg., One-off purchase, API, Subscription)

  2. Price

  • Field: Price in GBP (Example: £9999)

Final Steps

  1. Review All Information: Ensure all fields are accurately filled out and all required information fields are populated.

  2. Save: Once reviewed, save your collection page

Preview Collection card, description

Your collection card will be available to public on the marketplace page

Additionally, newly listed collection cards will be added to provider's profile.

By following these steps, you will create a detailed, visually appealing, and professional data collection page that attracts buyers and facilitates smooth transactions on Opendatabay.

Last updated