Data Providers

Data providers play a crucial role in the Opendatabay ecosystem by supplying high-quality datasets to the marketplace. Each provider has a dedicated profile page with their logo, banner, location, join date, and a comprehensive description.

Providers also share statistics like the number of data collections available, total downloads, and recent sales. This transparency helps build trust and facilitates informed purchasing decisions.

Additionally, providers offer contact options for assistance, licensing inquiries, and special dataset requests, along with a URL to their own site for further engagement.

At the bottom of the data providers page buyers can explore their data collections, also known as Data Products. These product cards display essential details, including the collection name, a brief description, category, type of purchase (e.g., one-off purchase, subscription, API), format (e.g., CSV), size, region (e.g., global), version information, and price in GBP.

To learn more on how to set an appealing data provider profile go to Profile Setup

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